Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Family Value #5

Widen the Circle
"Hear, O Israel..." - Deuteronomy 6:4

In this passage (Deut. 6:4-9) Moses starts the entire thing off with addressing all of Israel. Then he goes into raising up this next generation. He was talking to every parent and every leader. It is so important that we allow other adults to work in our kids lives as well. Adults who are saying the same thing that you, as parents, are trying to say to your kids. To widen the circle of influence in your kids lives.

If we are really honest we know that our kids will seek out another adult's validation on their own OR as a parent you can be a part of that process and we can pursue strategic relationships for them. Relationships that we know are healthy for them with adults that can be mentors for them.

When you are widening the circle for your kids, the goal is to have other trusted adults in the lives of your children before they need them so they will be there when they do need them. Moses was passionate about passing these values along to the entire community because he knew that it would take multiple influences to guard the faith of a generation.

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